BAGUIO CITY – Business establishment owners in the city are more compliant to fire safety requirements as shown by the 86.11 percent decrease in the number of Notice To Correct (NTC) issued by the Baguio City Fire Station (BCFS) last year compared to 2015. There was also a 2.73 percent increase in the number of […]
Day: March 11, 2017
Market summit held
BAGUIO CITY – In response to approved city council resolution 74, series of 2017, a market, trade and commerce summit was conducted March 3 at the Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) Hall along South Drive road. The move is seen to make “the Baguio City Market as the summer capitals’ main tourist attraction that is safe, […]
Duterte creates inter-agency body for war on drugs
The 18-member committee, headed by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, is divided into 4 clusters: enforcement, justice, advocacy, and rehabilitation MANILA, Philippines – President Rodrigo Duterte created, through an executive order, an inter-agency committee and task force to spearhead the fight against illegal drugs. Executive Order 15, signed on Monday, March 6, designates the Philippine […]
HIV/AIDS victimizing more Filipinos day by day
LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him… Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity… Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with […]
That Thing Sharper than Blade
Words are sharper than a double edge sword. It cuts deep and the wounds won’t heal easily. This saying is often heard but always forgotten. This is due to the fact that we were trained or conditioned to say anything we want every time we want. What we often forget is that with every word […]
VIRGILIO M. YAO, Petitioner-Mortgagee, -versus- SHERRY ANN ANGELES GUESSFORD, Respondent-Mortgagor. FOR: Extra-Judicial Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage Under Act 3135 as Amended FORECLOSURE CASE NO. 17-EXF-1966
Republic of the Philippines FIRST JUDICIAL REGION REGIONAL TRIAL COURT BRANCH 8 Rm. 201, Second Floor, Justice Hall, Justice Hill La Trinidad, Benguet VIRGILIO M. YAO, Petitioner-Mortgagee, -versus- SHERRY ANN ANGELES GUESSFORD, Respondent-Mortgagor. FOR: Extra-Judicial Foreclosure of Real Estate Mortgage Under Act 3135 as Amended FORECLOSURE CASE NO. 17-EXF-1966 x———– x NOTICE OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL SALE […]
Apolinario Mabini Elementary School showcased their winning form in the Panagbenga 2017 Street Dance Champion in the elementary division.– By Bong Cayabyab