ASIPULO- – Government workers and officials of Kiangan and this town have planted thousands of betel nut or “moma” trees along the Kiangan – Asipulo provincial road in an environmental protection and conservation activity.
Sunshine Winnam of the Happitan reported that a total of 6,000 “moma” trees were planted during the one-day activity. These are seen to prevent soil erosion, serve as protection to travellers from falling and set the right-of-way of the provincial road.
The trees that cost P12.00 each were purchased at the Ibulao nursery, Davies Farm and Philander Miguel in Kiangan and Asipulo towns, respectively`
The tree planting event was also in line with Provincial Ordinance No. 2011-11 aimed to landscape and beautify all provincial roads including the Aguinaldo – Mayoyao, Banaue and Lamut national roads./MBL, PIA CAR, Ifugao