“Abolish political dynasties”—Born Again Christians

“Abolish political dynasties”—Born Again Christians

VOL. XVI  NO.51  September 7 – 13,  2013

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Your rulers have gone against the Lord, they have become friends of thieves; everyone of them is looking for profit and going after rewards…” (Isaiah 1:23, the Holy Bible).


 “PITY THE FILIPINO”: To all of those who are involved in the P10 billion pork barrel scam, listen to a plea made by Fr. Francis Lucas, the executive secretary of the Commission on Media of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) last Tuesday, 03 September 2013: “Please have pity on the Filipino”. Lucas made the plea over radio station DZXL, 558 khz., during an interview over the scam.

Fr. Lucas maybe correct, those who stole the money must have pity on the Filipino, most of whom continue to live in abject poverty because of the diversion of billions of government funds intended for their benefit, but then, really, the scalawags and the scammers must have pity on themselves first and foremost, because they are bound to answer for each and every centavo that they plundered sooner or later.

If these thieves will manage to escape retribution and their just penalties here on earth, they are sure to be punished when they shall have left this world. It cannot be denied that humanity will have to go somewhere else after leaving this life, and whether they believe in God or not, mankind will have to account for whatever they have done. The laws of God will make sure of that, or, at least, the laws of cosmic karma will catch up with them.


ABOLISH POLITICAL DYNASTIES, BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS URGE: Here is another portion of the open letter of the Board of Trustees of the Philippine Counsel of Evangelical Churches relative to the pork barrel scam: “AN APPEAL TO LEAD US IN DISMANTLING PATRONAGE POLITICS. We appeal to our President to lead in the abolition of an unjust system of patronage politics. We strongly say, `Enough with a few families controlling not just the politics but the very soul of towns, cities, provinces and to some degree our country!’

“Thus, we encourage our President to lead our nation by exploring all legal and legislative processes towards this political transformation; to lead us to stop the use of pork barrel funds to finance and sustain this patronage political system and the political dynasties that perpetuates corruption.

“To lead us in eliminating and preventing collusion between members of the Executive and the Legislative, which destroys the check-and-balance relationship between these two branches of the government. And, to lead us to be vigilant as our nation prepares for the 2016 general elections—-to be vigilant against electoral sabotage and vote-buying that perpetuates patronage politics.


PASS FOI BILL NOW: “AN APPEAL TO LEAD IN THE PASSING OF THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION BILL. Finally, we appeal to our dear President to lead in passing the Freedom of Information Bill and to certify to the necessity of its immediate enactment. As you have stated, dear Mr. President, “We will strengthen the process of consultation and feedback. We will strive to uphold the constitutional right of citizens to information on matters of public concern.”

“We are convinced that this bill is crucial in our fight against corruption because the Freedom of Information Act would help end the culture of government secrecy and corruption and will start a culture of transparency and righteousness. The Freedom of Information Act will prevent the government from hiding crucial information from the public.

“The Freedom of Information Act will be a highly effective tool in exposing corruption and allowing us to campaign to prevent abuses of power. The Freedom of Information Act will also facilitate informed participation by the public in government decision-making, and more efficient access to government services. We pray to God that the heart and mind of our dear President will be so open to listen to the People—whom he voluntarily addressed as his ‘boss’. ..”


REACTIONS?  Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo.com, mmauriciojr111@gmail.com.



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