LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need…” (Ephesians 4:28, the Holy Bible).
BIGGEST CRIMINALS IN RP TODAY: I know, from prophesies that have come true, that foreigners will lord it over native Filipinos in business and in politics, as shown by foreign businessmen becoming billionaires and owners of big and profitable companies in our country, and by those of foreign descent getting elected to even the highest government positions here.
Just look around everywhere in the Philippines today and the proof of the fulfillment of these prophesies will confront anyone who still entertains doubt about this matter. The prophesies, written thousands of years ago, have come true, and appear to continue to happen, with no one having the means to stop their further occurrence.
Yet, these prophesies are being fulfilled not only in the field of business and politics, but even in the commission of crimes. Undeniably, the biggest criminals in the Philippines nowadays are no longer Filipinos, but foreigners. Indeed, foreigners are drug lords, smuggling lords, gambling lords, and even prostitution lords, in our country. Wow. When will Filipinos ever wake up?
OPERATORS, OWNERS OF PUV’s LIABLE FOR ERRING DRIVERS: A statement attributed to Quezon City Councilor Bong Suntay by a morning radio commentator on Wednesday, January 13, 2016, claimed that operators and owners of taxi and passenger bus and jeepney units should not be held liable for the rude and criminal behavior of their drivers. Suntay in effect is saying only the erring drivers should be penalized for their bad behavior.
Does Suntay (who allegedly owned the taxi unit driven by a driver who badmouthed his lady passenger the other week) have any legal basis for his supposed claim? What is the law on the liability of operators and owners of public utility vehicles when their drivers commit crimes or discourtesy against their passengers, their fellow motorists, and even the public in general?
The rule, under the existing Public Service Law, requires the owners and operators to exercise “extra-ordinary diligence” in the selection and supervision of their employees, including (and most especially) their drivers and conductors. If the owners and operators fail to exercise this extra-ordinary diligence, they can be punished through a cancellation of their franchises, or the payment of damages or fines.
REFRAINING FROM ANGER A MEANS TO STOP SINFULNESS: We are now in in the third week of the first month of the new year, and yet many are already falling away from their resolutions to do good or better in the days ahead. Let me share with you some tried and tested rules to pursue what we set out to do at the start of 2016, that is to make things become better not only for ourselves but for our loved ones as well.
Let us strive to put off our old self, as well as our old minds and way of thinking. Instead, we should now put off falsehood, and speak truthfully to everyone, for we must believe that we are all members of one body—not separate and distinct from one another, but that we are parts of one body, one blood, and one spirit.
We must refrain from raging anger, for if we are angry, we are susceptible of sinning. Let us not allow the sun to set without our anger having been sorted out and clarified. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing work with their own hands, so that not only will they be able to satisfy their needs but those of others.
PLEASE WATCH OR LISTEN: “Tambalang Batas at Somintac”, a news-commentary radio program, aired at DZEC 1062 kHz and other Radyo Agila provincial stations, at and at (type DZEC Radyo Agila Tambalang Batas at Somintac 1062 Live), 6 to 7 in the morning, Philippine time. Phone: 0922 833 43 96, 0918 574 0193, 0977 805 9058. Email: