Cariño Wants Burnham Lake Roads Cleared of Vehicles
April 18, 2015
BAGUIO CITY – Councilor Richard Carino wants the roads surrounding Burnham Park lake cleared of vehicles.
In a proposed ordinance prohibiting vehicles from entering, passing or parking in the area, Carino said the streets surrounding the lake have always teemed with vehicles making the park a big parking area for private and mostly public utility vehicles.
“The present situation is an eyesore and has greatly contributed to the fast deterioration of the park. It has deprived tourists and residents of Baguio City from enjoying what they used to enjoy – the pristine beauty of the park,” he said.
He stressed the need “to bring Burnham Park to its old glory where promenaders, park goers, joggers and visitors who used to enjoy the fresh air and majestic view the park can offer.”
He said one way to do this is to close the roads surrounding the lake as it “will greatly benefit the park goers and visitors as it will expand the area where they can walk and enjoy without being bothered and disturbed by the noise and air pollution brought about by passing vehicles.”
“Likewise, closing the roads will not affect much the traffic condition in the area as what has been proven every Panagbenga ‘Market Encounter’ where the said roads were closed for at least 30 days,” he added.
In his proposal, Carino sought to bar all vehicles, except city vehicles servicing the park from entering, using or parking on the roads located between the skating rink and the lake; between the football grounds and the lake; between the rose garden and the lake; and between the children’s playground and the lake.
He proposed a penalty of P500 for drivers of any vehicle who will violate the prohibition.
Carino’s proposal was referred to the council committee on traffic and transport for study and recommendation./A Refuerzo