City working out on concerns of homeowners within PNR property

BAGUIO CITY – In his weekly forum last Wednesday, mayor Mauricio Domogan disclosed that the Philippine National Railway (PNR) is set to dispose properties in the city of pines.

The PNR will sell homelots to legitimate beneficiaries. Also, the inventory of PNR properties includes areas for disposition to the present occupants in San Luis, San Roque and the PNR Marcoville area.

In is recalled that former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo approved the disposal of PNR properties to the actual occupants through Executive Order No. 48 issued in October 2001: “Declaring non-core properties if the PNR as socialized housing sites and providing for the disposition of the same bonafide occupants.”

This will help informal settlers within the PNR properties the chance to own the land.

Domogan said, “a consultation was conducted to the affected barangays and different concerns and issues were raised with regards issuance of individual titles.”

Accordingly, a significant number of beneficiaries in San Luis have fully paid the agreed amount in exchange of the land. However, they cannot get their respective individual titles for the reason that the PNR has not complied with the requisites needed for the issuance of individual titles.

On the other hand, San Roque beneficiaries’ concern is the non-processing of the approved subdivision plan of San Roque because of one lot in question.

In the case of Marcoville, the selling price of the land must be laid down together with the terms and conditions for the beneficiaries to comply.

As a result of the different consultation, the city will write the PNR to convene with the board set on Jan. 27 to settle and straighten out the issues and concerns of both the PNR and the beneficiaries./Jho Arranz


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