City’s continuing support for drug surrenderees

BAGUIO CITY – Combatting the proliferation of drugs in the Philippines is the top priority of the present administration under the leadership of president Rodrigo Duterte.

Baguio is not excused to this kind of problem and to support the war against drugs cam-paign, the city aims to assist and help Persons with Substance Use Disorders (PSUDs) to become productive and contributing member of the community in attaining a better quality of life.

Non-government associations, government and non-government organizations, private organizations as well as religious sectors are willing to help and share their respective resources in guiding and assisting said drug surrenderees towards a better future and life.

City social welfare and development officer Betty Fangasan disclosed that a total of 132 surrenderees have already completed the Community Based Emergency Response to PSUDs, their families and stakeholders.

A consultation meeting with the drug surrenderees was conducted by the Department of Social Welfare and Development last Dec. 15 at the Baguio City multi-purpose hall where some surrenderees realized the different programs and services of the different government agencies for the continuing rehabilitation, transformation and re-integration support for recovering drug dependents.

Among the programs and services provided include livelihood, practical skills training, financial assistance, medical assistance, psychosocial services, information and education cam-paign, among others.

Moreover, so an not to duplicate the programs and services of the different agencies, the city government here will be drafting an administrative order or a memorandum of agreement on that matter among service providers to delineate their roles, functions and areas of assignment to facilitate service delivery.

As of December 12, the Baguio City Police Office (BCPO) reported that there are 1,900 surrenderees in the city where 1,745 are users and 155 are pushers. While they have arrest-ed/apprehended 22 drug users and 167 drug pushers./Jho Arranz#


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