Clamor for Mar, Binay to withdraw snowballs

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas…” (Psalm 65:5, the Holy Bible).


GRACE POE BENEFITTING FROM TRILLANES EXPOSES VS. DUTERTE: The greatest beneficiary, or so it would seem now, of the exposes of Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV against the bank accounts of Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is Sen. Grace Poe.

Now, those opposing Duterte are boldly saying the only one who can stop him from winning the presidency is Grace, and the only way to make Grace a strong candidate, these Duterte oppositionists are saying, is for Liberal Party candidate Mar Roxas and United Nationalist Alliance candidate Jejomar Binay to withdraw their bids and openly support Poe.This is going to be painful for Mar and Binay, of course, but, if they do not wish to see a Duterte victory, there is no other way for them but to withdraw and openly declare their support for Grace and really cooperate with one another, at this point in time, to defeat Duterte who appears all set to win.


CLAMOR FOR MAR, BINAY TO WITHDRAW IN FAVOR OF GRACE SNOWBALLS: I have yet to see reactions from the camp of Binay about this proposal, but known allies of Mar Roxas appear to have been given the go-signal to declare they are switching in favor of Poe. One of such allies is the undersecretary of a major Cabinet department of the Aquino government who has in fact come out in the open, praising the proposal for Mar and Binay to withdraw.

In his Facebook account, the undersecretary captioned a post entitled “Only Grace Poe can stop Duterte juggernaut-Teddy Locsin” with his own statement: “Respected journalist Teddyboy Locsin is RIGHT yet again. Sa Gobyernong may Puso, walang maiiwanan.” The use of capital letters for the word “right” is that of the undersecretary himself.

What was Teddy Locsin right about that the undersecretary conformed to with his own effusive praise for Grace Poe? Here was what Locsin said, which can be read at “Poe is the only candidate that can stop Duterte from winning the elections.” Locsin, for good measure, also cursed those who sought the disqualification of Grace from the presidential race, in the style that Duterte is famous for.


THE ONLY WAY TO STOP DUTERTE: There is some sense in this kind of a proposal. Mar and Binay anyway have not been improving in their ratings, and are no longer the strong contenders that they used to be, or they fancied themselves to be. If we are to believe the current survey results, there is no more opportunity for them to win the presidency.

Indeed, the battle at this point has been limited to two candidates only—Duterte and Grace. They are the only two presidentiables now who have the chance of winning. Mar and Binay are no longer viable. The best that they can do now, if truly they also abhor a Duterte presidency, is for them to withdraw from the race, and then rally their own supporters to vote for Grace.

Of course, Duterte supporters appear unfazed and unmoved over the allegations of Trillanes against their chosen candidate, and it is unlikely they would ever dump him now in favor some other candidate. In fact, Trillanes’ moves could even increase Duterte’s support among the undecided voters, or even among the supporters of Mar and Binay. Some are hoping Mar and Binay will see the light, and act like real statesmen this time.


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