Coffee and peanuts good antidotes against heart ailments, strokes

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… For those who eat and drink without discerning the body (and blood) of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep…” (1 Corinthians 11:29-30, the Holy Bible).


COFFEE DRINKING HELPS COMBAT HEART AILMENTS: Are you drinking more than one cup of coffee everyday? If yes, an article in Time Magazine which came out in its issue this week is saying that there is great benefit in doing this against heart failures, strokes, and coronary heart diseases. Time said that one who consumes from one to six cups of coffee everyday is given sure protection from these illnesses.

This is based on a lengthy study by the University of Colorado Medical School in the US, which says: “Coffee was associated with a reduced risk for heart failure, stroke and coronary heart disease. For coffee drinkers, every 8-ounce cup per day reduced these risks by 7%, 8% and 5%, respectively, compared to people who didn’t drink coffee…”

Time also reported: “Almost all of the coffee drinkers in the study (97%) consumed between one and six cups of coffee a day… so the researchers can’t know for sure if the benefits continue at even higher consumption levels…”


EATING PEANUTS ALSO BENEFICIAL TO THE HEART: In the meantime, in a report published by a newspaper in the Philippines relative to a study highlighted in the Journal of American College of Cardiology, it would appear that regular eating of peanuts, wallnuts, and other fruits of tree nuts, can also be highly beneficial in the fight against various heart diseases.

Incidences of heart ailments known as cardiovascular diseases and hardened arteries are greatly reduced from 14 to 20% when a person regularly eats peanuts and similar items, according to the published study.

These study results on eating peanuts was made the basis of American researchers in their strong recommendation that these kinds of food be eaten regularly, according to Martha Guasch Ferre, a research fellow at the nutrition department of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.


SPIRITUAL ANGLE IN EATING AND DRINKING: In fine, all who eat and drink must endeavor, everytime they eat and drink, to remember that there is a spiritual angle in imbibing foods and drinks, according to what is stated in 1 Corinthians 11 of the Bible. There is a command in these verses that people must think of the sacrifices assumed by Jesus to save sinners.

The sacrifice that is referred to here pertains to the permission given by Jesus for the destruction of His flesh and the spilling of His blood so that people who will accept, receive, and believe in Him as God and Savior, and as God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, will be forgiven in their sins.

Because of this, everyone who eats and drinks must thank Jesus, and ask Him to transform what he is eating and drinking as His flesh and blood, for the health of their bodies and the forgiveness of their sins. Also, hands raised in prayer must be displayed over whatever is being eaten or drank, so the Holy Spirit of God will come down upon them.


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