“Drug lord gave De Lima P1.5 M”

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts…” (Isiaiah 55:6-7, the Holy Bible).


BREAKING NEWS: “DRUG LORD GAVE DE LIMA P1.5 M”: One witness in the on-going investigation of the House of Representatives on the trading of drugs at the national penitentiary in Muntinlupa City did not mince words when he charged, on Thursday, October 06, 2016, that then Justice Secretary Leila de Lima received money from him, on orders of a drug lord known as Jeffrey Diaz, or Jaguar.

The sum was allegedly P1.5 million. This is to be denied again? Yes, it will be denied again, but, certainly, the testimony of the witness who is detained in Muntinlupa City, former PO3 Engelberto Durano, could suffice as the kind of evidence that could be sufficient to charge the lady lawmaker in court with a non-bailable crime.


ROBREDO DENIGRATING DUTERTE: Vice President Leni Robredo, with due respect, should be more circumspect in making statements that tend to insult President Duterte, especially on matters of official government policies. Duterte, after all, remains to be the boss of everyone in government, including her, who is actually irrelevant while Duterte is there.

Many are of the view that what Leni said on Wednesday, October 05, 2016, as a reaction to Duterte’s statements against the US, the European Union, and some world leaders, had the effect of denigrating Duterte, simply because her call for all government officials to think first before saying anything implied that Duterte had not been thinking first before proceeding with his outbursts.


ROBREDO MUST SHOW GRATITUDE TO DUTERTE: Even if Leni really believed deep inside her that Duterte is not in the habit of thinking first before talking, prudence dictates that she should keep her beliefs to herself, especially if they disparage the man that agreed to give her a position in the Cabinet even if she belonged to a rabidly anti-Duterte political party, and even if she said she wanted no one to be president except her own candidate in the last elections.

At the very least, Leni should endeavor to show her gratitude to Duterte at all times that she is in his Cabinet. Otherwise, if she thinks she cannot really stomach anymore Duterte’s style of expressing himself, she must resign her position first. Then and only then can she hit him, even in wild abandon, and no one will question her.


DIVISION IN DUTERTE GOV’T SURFACES: On the other hand, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana let out a mouthful also last Wednesday when he claimed that Duterte, his boss, might have been fed with wrong information about the state of the Philippines’ joint military exercises and defense agreements with the United States.

Whether Lorenzana was aware of it or not, his statement threw wide open the schism or division in the Duterte government between those who support the US and those who want to terminate the US-Philippine relations, and bring our country in an alliance with Russia and China, both communist countries.

Indeed, who could have fed the President with wrong information, as Lorenzana claimed, on US-Philippine relations other than those who are close to the President and who are known to be the local allies of the communists from Russia and China? The defense secretary’s outburst had the effect of blaming these local allies over Duterte’s belligerence with the US and the European Union? The question is, where is this headed for?


PLEASE WATCH OR LISTEN: “Tambalang Batas at Somintac”, a news-commentary radio program, aired at DZEC 1062 kHz and other Radyo Agila provincial stations nationwide, and is aired live by Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/RadyoAgila1062/?fref=ts, 6 to 7 in the morning, Philippine time. Phone: 0922 833 43 96, 0918 574 0193, 0977 805 9058. Email: batasmauricio@yahoo.com.


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