LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow…” (Isaiah 1:16-17, the Holy Bible).
INVECTIVE WAS DUTERTE’S EXPRESSION OF FRUSTRATION: Let me share here today what lawyer Perfecto Yasay, Jr., another national leader from Mindanao and a former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, is saying about the habit of cursing of Davao City Mayor, and now 2016 presidentiable, Rodrigo Duterte.
Yasay wrote in his Facebook account: “I heard what Rody Duterte said during his proclamation impromptu speech at the Century Plaza Hotel last November 30 and I cringed along with many others when he uttered with acerbic passion his favorite invective that instinctively flows out of his mouth in anger and frustration to drive a point.
“I also wished he had done otherwise and would forthwith stop delivering speeches from his heart. But for those who know him better, especially Mindanawans and Cebuanos, what Rody candidly revealed of himself that day is nothing new…”
DUTERTE WAS A CORY APPOINTEE IN 1986: Yasay explained: “That is the real unpretentious Rody Duterte that has always been the Rody Duterte that the electorate loves and chose to become Mayor of Davao City for the longest time.
“His leadership style, including his personal proclivities (expletives included), is what Davao City, notoriously confused with `Nicaragdao’ – the former hotbed of social unrest and criminality—needed to become one of the most progressive, attractive and welcoming cities of the country today.
“Another important fact that Filipinos should know is that when President Cory assumed power, she promptly appointed the same Rody Duterte to be vice-mayor of Davao City and strongly supported his bid to eventually become mayor.
DUTERTE OFFERED CABINET POSTS, BUT HE DECLINED: Yasay also disclosed an interesting bit of information about Duterte: “Almost all presidents thereafter had wanted Rody to become a cabinet member charged with the restoration, maintenance and preservation of peace and order – in the campaign against terrorism, criminality and illegal drugs – because of his uncompromising firmness, dedication and astuteness in getting the job done.
“He politely and consistently refused, anticipating that his controversial leadership attributes and personal lifestyle can prevent his confirmation… and cause a big embarrassment to the appointing power. But this is precisely why Rody never wanted to become president and had to equivocate up to the last minute…
“He finally acceded on one condition that people would accept him for who he is like a naked grain without any chaff and get what they desire of their leader…”
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