Oplan Kaluluwa Traffic Scheme
VOL. XVIII NO. 3 (October 25-31, 2014)
BAGUIO CITY – The Baguio City Police Office has released the traffic advisory, which takes effect 5AM to midnight of Nov. 1, All Souls Day commemoration; for the general public and motorists alike.
The advisory is part of the meeting of Oplan Kaluluwa for the general public’s annual trek to the city’s public and private cemeteries.
Private vehicles EXCEPT trucks and buses, are allowed to pass through Quirino Highway. Motorists from the central business district may load/unload passengers at the cemetery but have to make a U-turn at 1st road, San Carlos Heights to their destination. Exit will be through Dominican road towards Queen of Peace or Queen of Apostles road to destination.
One-way roads include: Quirino highway, from Buhagan road junction to Dominican road; Dominican road, from Quirino Highway junction to Queen of Peace road; San Luis road form Quirino highway junction to San Luis/San Roque junction; San Roque st.; Sofia de Veyra st., 1st road Quezon Hill, from Quirino highway junction to Ponce street; Sepic road, from Ferguson road junction to Buhagan rd., junction.
Motorists from the central business district may load/unload passengers at the cemetery, but will have to make a U-turn at 1st road, San Carlos Heights before proceeding to destination. Exit to the CBD will be through Dominican road towards Queen of Peace or Queen of Apostles road to destination.
Taxi units shall load/unload at the back of Station 1, in front of Recoletos Seminary, take the San Luis/San Roque road for exit; take Dominican road towards Queen of Peace or Queen of Apostles road in going back to the CBD.
Irisan, San Carlos Heights, NPC and Quirino Highway bound PUJs, will use Dominican road and take Queen of Peace or Queen of Apostles to their terminal at the CBD. Passengers from the CBD intending to go to the cemetery shall be unloaded along the junction of 1st road of San Carlos Heights.
San Luis, San Roque, Asin, Nangalisan and other PUJs taking Asin road to the CBD shall take San Roque rd, turn right to Dominican road to Queen of Apostles or Queen of Peace road to their terminal. Passengers from CBD intending to go to the cemetery shall be unloaded at the back of Station 1, in front of Recoletos Seminary.
Dominican PUJs going to the CBD shall take Queen of Peace or Queen of Apostles road. Unloading of passengers shall be at the road space before the junction of Quirino Highway-Dominican Intersection.
Quezon Hill PUJs going to the CBD may take Fairview road to Ferguson road towards Buhagan road, or take the 2nd road to Quirino Highway, turn left towards Dominican road, then to Queen of Peace or Queen of Apostles road. Unloading of passengers shall be at the road space before the junction of Quirino Highway-Dominican Intersection.
Guisad, Fairview and other PUJs taking Ferguson road towards the CBD shall take Sepic road to Buhagan road towards their terminal.
Starting 5AM of Nov. 1, until the activity is over, parking is prohibited at the following areas: inside the Baguio Cemetery, Buhagan road junction to Ferguson road junction; Ferguson road junction to 2nd road Quezon Hill; 2nd road Quezon hill junction to San Luis rd., junction; Sofia de Veyra st.; Queen of Apostles road; from Station 1 to the entrance of Baguio Cemetery; from Baguio Cemetery entrance to San Carlos Heights junction.
There shall be no loading or unloading at the Baguio Cemetery entrance, while loading and unloading is allowed at the road space before the 2nd road of Quezon Hill; in front of Recoletos Seminary; road space after the entrance of BMC; road space before the 1st road of San Carlos Hts.; Road space before the entrance of Shangrila subdivision.
The recommended parking areas are: pay parking area inside Cooyesan Plaza; inside Shangrila subdivision; inside the Recoletos compound; whole stretch of Ponce street along Quezon hill, left side facing the 1st road; road side parking along Sofia de Veyra, left side descending; road shoulder of Quirino Highway after the loading/unloading zone from the BMC entrance until the main gate of Bermuda subdivision, for light vehicles only./By: Julie G. Fianza