RP in Crisis: We are All at Fault

RP in Crisis: We are All at Fault

VOL. XVII  NO.10 December 21 – 27 , 2013

LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Fear the Lord your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name. Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you; for the Lord your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land…” (Deuteronomy 6: 13-15, the Holy Bible).


RP IN CRISIS: WE ARE ALL AT FAULT: Lest the critics of President Aquino and his government once again will gang up on him and say it is because of his ineptness and inexperience that are the cause of the breakdown of law and order in the Philippines, where assassinations are becoming a daily occurrence, corruption continuing to be a scourge, and poverty, immorality, and evil behavior among our people is getting more and more serious by the minute, I say hold your fire.

All that is happening around us is just no longer the fault of the President or of his government, or of any one individual or group. This is rightly the fault of almost all Filipinos, particularly those who no longer listen to God and who no longer obey His commands, truthfully and sincerely.

Since we are no longer listening to God and are no longer obeying Him, the curses He promised for those who have turned their backs on Him in the Bible, particularly in Deuteronomy 28:15-68, are now brutally happening and victimizing and destroying our nation. Take time out to read these verses and you will readily see that all the evil that is happening here and now were accurately predicted to happen during the time of Moses yet.


MANY OF US NO LONGER LISTEN TO, AND NO LONGER OBEY, GOD: The warning is clear: if a people will no longer listen to God, and they will no longer obey His commands, all the 53 curses listed in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 are going to happen to them, and these curses will not stop to afflict the unbelievers until they are all killed and destroyed and blotted out from the face of the earth.

It would seem therefore that the present-day anomalies we are witnessing in out midst are not going to wane, nor to even slow down, nor stop altogether more especially. They will increase in severity as time goes by, and will cause more killings, more sufferings and misery for many of our people.

Unless, of course, we change ourselves, according to what the Bible has prescribed as an antidote. If we want these problems and these curses to disappear from our land, then we must go back to God in a hurry. We must start listening to Him once again by reading His Bible. We must start meditating on His Word once again, and then start obeying them once more, truthfully and sincerely.


READ AND OBEY THE BIBLE NOW: Even Jesus Christ, our God and Savior, said the same thing. In Matthew 7:24-27, He said that those who listen to Him and follow His commands will be considered “wise”, and no amount of problems or curses can bring them down.

He warned that those who listen to Him and do not obey Him will be considered “fools”, who will experience a great crash and will fall gravely when problems and the curses come to them. Consequently, the urgent question that we must contend with right now, in the face of all the curses that are afflicting our country and our people at the moment, is this: are we to continue being fools, or are we to become wise already?

The Bible has been mocked and sneered at by many who profess not to believe in it and in God. But then, virtually all of its predictions and warnings have come true, and are still coming true even now, thereby proving that the Bible is authentic and reliable, and that there is a God that inspired its writing. The only recourse for us now is to read and obey God, if we want salvation!/REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: melaniolazomauriciojr@outlook.com, mmauriciojr111@gmail.com, and batasmauricio@yahoo.com.


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