Student welfare body strengthened

BAGUIO CITY – The Council for Student Welfare, a body overseeing concerns for the well-being of students in the city will be strengthened.

The city council will amend Administrative Order No. 53 series of 2008 to beef up the composition and the functions of the body as per the recommendation of the city council research division under local legislative staff officer V Dan Ricky Ong based on the monitoring and evaluation done by local legislative staff assistant Nechel Ocasion.

Mayor Mauricio Domogan recently issued Administrative Order No. 74 series of 2017 resconstituting the said body and providing guidelines for its functions.

As recommended, the body will be co-chaired by the city mayor and vice mayor with the council committee on education, culture and historical research as action officer and the executive assistant I of the city mayor as student welfare officer and secretary.

The members are the chair of the council committee on social services, women and urban poor and committee on youth welfare and sports development, city health services officer, city schools division superintendent, regional director of the Commission on Higher Education Cordillera, and representatives of college and university presidents, high school principals and student governments.

The council will serve as “clearinghouse of all issues on student welfare such as tuition fee, student housing and scholarship funding.”

It will recommend policies, programs and activities and legislative measures which will enhance and enrich student life and interests to the city council and other concerned offices.

As additional duties, the council will provide developmental activities that will enhance the leadership skills and core competencies of students; implement programs for the promotion of core values and advocacies being practiced in family, school and the community; assist in the organization of special events for students related to culture, arts and sports; promote and provide health and wellness programs for students and monitor the implementation of all programs and activities.

A student welfare desk will be established under the office of the city mayor to be headed by the student welfare officer. /Aileen P. Refuerzo


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