>The Star-Spangled Banner >Grace Poe – a true Pinoy nationalist & patriot!!!

The Star-Spangled Banner– I happened to chance upon the CNN news on the opening of the Super Bowl Sunday (the most widely viewed [television] event in the world) and there was some news on the star performers like Lady Gaga who would sing The Star-Spangled Banner, although this is not my first time to have noticed how the Americans or non-US citizens sing the US national Anthem.

One thing noticeable about these star(s) who sing the US anthem is that they don’t seem to have some kind of strict criteria on the delivery of the anthem, and in fact at the latter part, even the crowd breaks into an applause and some sort of a joyous moment.

In fact, even Charice Pempengco a Pinoy star at that was accorded the benefit of singing the US anthem at the opening of the 2013 Civil Rights Games at Chicago. A feat that would be unthinkable and even highly condemnable at that should a foreigner sing the Lupang Hinirang.

Which now brings me to the question that, are Americans less patriotic when they allow foreigners to sign their national anthem at major events, and also are Americans less patriotic when they allow these star performers to sing their national anthem in what appears to be different singing styles?

Which brings to mind what I distinctly remember when Martin Nievera was vilified and so much ado was made against him when he sang the Lupang Hinirang during a Pacquiao fight and while I am not a diehard Martin Nievera fan, I happened to like his rendition, although the so-called experts found it wrong and not according to standards (what and who the hell decides on the standards, you tell me?). Hence the vilification and condemnation against Nievera on how he sang the Lupang HInirang reached such ridiculous proportions.

The question again, to my mind is, is Martin Nievera less patriotic, or are we as a nation less or more patriotic based on how the Lupang Hinirang is sang?

Just take note at how the Americans seem to be having fun and enjoying (I would imagine with a high sense of pride and patriotism as I see it) when The Star-Spangled banner is sang and with a lot of cajoling and clapping at the latter part, whereas the Lupang Hinirang should be sang with a certain tempo and mood, etc.

As far as this columnist is concerned, I will keep some of my thought to myself and leave it up to you to draw your own conclusion.

While it appears that the Pinoys can truly make a mountain out of a molehill and trivialize what is indeed trivial. Although, I notice and the list I can make is quite long, that there are indeed non-trivial and even serious matters or incidents that need our collective national attention and concerns which we apparently simply ignore and take for granted.

But just don’t sing the Lupang Hinirang with the mood of The Star-Spangled Banner, and you’re dead.

Truly more fun in the Philippines.


Grace Poe- a true Pinoy nationalist and patriot!!! – We are truly a blessed nation and country. We have at present a roster of Presidentiables, that if all elected simultaneously into office, can lead the whole world if not the whole universe.

We have a Du30 that will solve crime and bring us peace and order, although not clear on his economic policies, assuming he has any.

We have a Binay, who is and must be presumed to be innocent not until proven otherwise – that is how our justice system operates in a democracy.

We have a Mar Roxas, who appears to have missed his chance at countless time at greatness (pakitang gilas sana nuong araw pa) when he held numerous hot-shot positions at the present government.

We also have a feisty Lady Miriam, whom to my mind is no longer taken as a presidentiable serious wannabe but instead had developed some kind of star status.

But of all those I have mentioned, one presidentable, take the take so to speak, and can only be looked at as a true presidentiable, who has shown her true nationalistic and patriotic love for her country.

Can you imagine, Madam Grace Poe who happened to have been settled and established in the US with financial standards that are above-average or could even be considered on the rich side. As I understand it she was already an established elementary teacher, with residence at quite a swanky place in the US, with an established husband (work or profession I have no idea), and she throws this all away and renounces her US Citizenship and wants to become the biggest public servant of them all.

There being 24 senators of the republic, that alone is a mean task which she seemed to have relished coming from being the MTRCB Chair which I would imagine she may have found to be as boring compared to her previous teaching job.

But no, not as Senadora ng bayan, the power that comes with it, is just fantastic. I could imagine how her appetite for power was titillated as senadora ng bayan.

But what about the POWER and MONEY that comes with being President? That is the ULTIMATE, can’t get any better or harder than that.

That is why, no matter how you look at it, by wanting to become President of the Philippines, Grace Poe is doing the ultimate sacrifice for us the Filipino People, which according to her own words, she wants to continue the legacy of her late father (jeez, she should be an actress, after all that is the legacy of FPJ the King!!! ).

The question now is, am I serious with this column of mine or am I just trying to humor myself? You tell me.


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