Trees Survival, Tree Cutting
VOL. XVIII NO. 3 (October 25-31, 2014)
BAGUIO CITY – Busol watershed, Botanical gardens, residential, commercial and institutional areas have been planted with 22, 331 assorted tree seedlings, as to reports from the City Environment Parks Management Office during the Alay Sa Kalinisan (ASK) meeting last week.
For the botanical garden along Leonard Wood road, there are 9,721 Benguet Pine seedlings planted; followed by coffee at 220 seedlings; citrus, 20; cypress, 156; guava, agoho and bamboo, 1 each.
At the Busol watershed, 9,050 Benguet pine tree seedlings were planted.
In both parks, the trees were planted by religious groups, the local government of Baguio, the barangays, national line agencies, non-Government Organizations, private groups and companies and private individuals.
A portion of Forbes Park along South Drive, has also been planted with 1,400 Benguet Pine tree seedlings with Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) directors Ferdy Bayasen and Virgilio Orca as sponsors.
As to city ordinance mandating the planting of trees, fruit tress and ornamentals in vacant areas within the barangays, rooftops, and commercial areas, as of end of September 2014, there have been 886 ornamentals, 177 various tree species and 698 fruit trees planted in 1194 residential areas, 364 commercial places, and 203 institutions; for a total of 1,761 planted.
According to CEPMO forester Walter Aguirre, the survival rate is determined six months after the planting season; thus the need for planters to care for, water and clean the surroundings of the seedlings. As to earlier reports, tree survival has been pegged at 87%.
As to tree cutting permits issued, from August 21 up to September 18, there had been 16 tree-cutting permits approved by the city authorities, with 30 trees cut; 8 live trees, 20 dead, and 2 trees for trimming. Permits are issued if the trees are deemed a threat to persons and property.
This was culled from the report of Beatriz Gajete, head of the Forestry Division of the CEPMO. Eight (8) of the trees are in Road-Right of Ways or government lots, while 22 are in private occupied lots.
Meanwhile, there are 1,693 dead trees; 1,378 in residential areas while 315 are in parks, RROW and government lots./By: Julie G. Fianza