Two Issues Binay Must Face Now

Two Issues Binay Must Face Now

September 27, 2014

            LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “…For none of us lives for ourselves alone, and none of us dies for ourselves alone…” (Romans 14:7).

TWO ISSUES BINAY MUST CONFRONT NOW: I wish to congratulate Vice President Jejomar Binay for the formation of his own political party, the United Nationalist Alliance Party. I wish him well, as I wish UNA Party’s leaders and members well, too. But, all these efforts may prove useless, unless Binay and his supporters can successfully address two issues that may derail the 2016 presidential elections.

The first issue concerns the projected use once more of the dreaded precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines in 2016. It is now clear, based from testimonial and documentary evidence by experts and concerned citizens, that PCOS machines constitute  one big instrument of cheating, and cannot be relied upon to determine the true will of Filipino voters.

Assuming Binay continues to be popular until election time, and assuming people will vote for him to become the next Philippine president, is there any assurance that these PCOS machines will truly count his votes and then accurately report such votes? If we are to go by court records where the truthfulness and accuracy of PCOS results had been debunked, it may happen that the 2016 elections maybe physically held, but the will of the electorate may once again be frustrated.


“NO-EL” SCENARIO IN 2016 VERY REAL: The second issue that Binay and his supporters must contend with is the possibility—which seems to be a growing reality as the countdown to 2016 continues to tick endlessly—that the electoral exercise for that year will not be held at all, and that the present occupant in Malacanang will continue being president.

My perception is that events are being made to conspire—in other words, are being manipulated—to prevent the holding of the 2016 elections, and not necessarily by Malacanang alone. The National Transformation Council, formally introduced to Filipinos in Lipa City just a few weeks ago, is actively seeking the suspension of the 2016 elections.

In its “Lipa City Declaration”, the Council said the country and the people must first undergo radical systemic changes and transformation before any further electoral exercises are to be held. It is of the opinion that an election, such as the one scheduled in 2016, will not really yield any substantial benefit to anyone, because the present corrupt system will just be replaced by another corrupt system of governance.


TAKE-OVER BY A REVOLUTIONARY GOV’T: Then, we should not forget the broad hints that people very close to the present President have been dropping consistently—from a presidential spokesman’s supposed slip of the tongue, “if elections are to be held in 2016 at all”; to a Cabinet secretary proposing Charter change to enable the President to have a second term; to yet another Cabinet member pushing for “emergency powers” to address the looming power crisis in 2015.

These are not mere coincidental hints, as they are very far from being disparate and distinct acts. They are a reflection of the burning desire of the President himself to extend his term, never mind if the very Constitution which his own mother pushed and enacted in 1987 forbids such second term. Undeniably, the movement to perpetuate the President in power is very real, and is being engineered with ferocity even at this point.

Given all these, it wouldn’t be farfetched if, before the current President’s term ends in 2016, a revolutionary government, led by no other than the current President, will take over. The current President, after all, in his present European and US trips, have been thanking, out of the blue, the governments there for the support and recognition they supposedly gave to the revolutionary government of a housewife named Corazon Aquino. Are you listening, Mr. Binay?


REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email:,, and


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